Our mission as a Catholic school community is to teach children the Catholic faith, in a Christ centered environment, providing the foundation to be an active practicing Catholic with the community. The school family actively participates in our faith through service to others, through faith celebrations, and religious instruction that all exemplify Christ. Student learning and achievement are attained by continually assessing students' academic and spiritual needs, by implementing current technologies and teaching strategies, and by engaging students in real life experiences.
St. Mary's Central has 117 students enrolled in Grades pre-k through 8 as of August 16, 2022. All employees and regular volunteers who have direct contact with children at St. Mary's Central must complete acceptable electronic criminal background checks in accord with the current policies of the Diocese of Steubenville Decree on Child Protection. In addition, all employees must complete acceptable background checks through fingerprinting in accordance with section 3313.39 of the Ohio Revised Code and rule 3301-20-01 of the Ohio Administrative Code; and may not have contact with children until acceptable background checks through fingerprinting are completed. Background checks (both electronic and through fingerprinting) are completed every five years. For auxiliary service personnel such as school nurses, psychologists, etc., who are government employees or subject to state regulations, the school Principal shall obtain copies of both a Bureau of Criminal Investigation (BCI) and a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) criminal records check every five years from the employer of auxiliary service personnel.